TCM Acupuncture
initial consultation + acupuncture 90 mins $150
acupuncture 60 mins $120
acupuncture 90 mins $150
cosmetic acupuncture 60 mins $120
therapeutic massage 60 mina $120
therapeutic massage 90 mins $150
therapeutic massage 120 mins $180
TMJ intraoral massage 60 mins $120
foot therapeutic massage 60 mins $120
pre-postnatal massage 60 mins $120
pre-postnatal massage 90 mins $150
Therapeutic Hot Stone Therapy 60 mins $150
Hot Stone Therapy 90 mins $170
relaxation massage 60 mina $140
relaxation massage 90 mins $180
relaxation massage 120 mins $200
Combo of Acupuncture and Massage
Massage and Acupuncture receipts separate
for patients had not taken initial Acupuncture treatment
Recommend for first patients who is looking for mental + physical treatments
initial acupuncture 90mins + massage 60mins ($150+$120) $270
Only for patients had initial Acupuncture treatment
Recommend for Total muscular problems treatment
acupuncture 30mins + massage 90mins ($70+$150) $220
Recommend for Total internal + physical holistic treatment
acupuncture 60mins + massage 60mins ($120+$120) $240
Recommend for Stress, Mental Recovery treatment
acupuncture 60mins + massage 30mins ($120+$70) $190
acupuncture 30mins + massage 30mins ($70+$70) $140
RAPID NeuroFascial Reset
Massage Therapy benefits covered
Direct Billing available
Recommend for ALL people who seriously need improvement and recovery from Chronic/Acute conditions
Differentiations of massage:
Keep wearing clothes on
Stretching the muscles and fascia
Immediately feel ROM improvement and pain free
Initial RAPID 60mins $120
RAPID 30mins $85
RAPID 45mins $100
RAPID 60mins $120
Extended health benefits covered
No Direct Billing available, contact for appointment